2021 Tenuta San Guido Guidalberto Toscana

From: $95.00

2021 Tenuta San Guido Guidalberto Toscana – If Mario Incisa, creator of Sassicaia, was inspired by his great-uncle Leopoldo Incisa della Rocchetta, then his son Nicolò, director of Tenuta San Guido since forty years, has been motivated by Guidalberto della Gherardesca his great great great grandfather.

Nicolò Incisa explains thus the choice of the name and creation of new wine in 2000. “The wine was created for two reasons. first of all, the desire to see what we could accomplish with Merlot, a grape that we had never used before; second, the desire to offer the consumer a wine which could be appreciated at a younger age compared to our veteran Sassicaia”.

The favorable weather conditions have strongly characterized the vintage which has produced healthy grapes, with excellent aromatic component but lower sugar content than usual. Healthy, crisp and well matured grapes produced balanced musts, with low alcohol content, sweet and velvety tannins. The good acidity, the right PH ratio, and lower alcohol content conveyed freshness combined with a good structure.

Single Price: $125.00
Any Six Bottle Buy: $95.00
Price per case (12 bottles): $1140.00

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