2021 Head Wines The Brunette Shiraz Moppa Barossa Valley

From: $60.00

2021 Head Wines The Brunette Shiraz Moppa Barossa Valley – Alex Head’s Limited Series are powerfully individual, intriguing, hard to categorise, these are drawn from signature vineyards and show Alex Head at his most uncompromising; hands-on, bold and risk-taking. Most of all though, they are pure expressions of their Barossa and Eden Valley home.

The Brunette will always represent the ‘dark-side’ of Shiraz in the Barossa. Alex looks to sites that will give him more structure, power and length of flavour. The wine is given every opportunity to become a ‘Vin-de-Garde’ or ‘cellaring style’. Underlying soils/rocks are lean red/orange clays with varying amounts of ironstone — brunette in colour — which produce optimum conditions for dark, savoury fruits and fine, structured tannins.

Single Price: $80.00
Any Six Bottle Buy: $60.00
Price per case (12 bottles): $720.00

Quantity discounts available